Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress
Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress

Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress


The Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress is a dress my aunt loves dearly because it is a symbol of her close relationship with Elizabeth Stanton, who is one of greatest figures of female equality. She was an huge advocate for females gaining the right to vote and she even created the "Bloomer" dress, which allowed women to wear bloomers(pants) under a dress. This increased a female's mobility greatly. My Aunt Matilda respected this tremendously and in 1857 she met with Elizabeth to study with her for a few months. The Dhalia Chattoway Ivory Lace Corset Back Dress was her parting gift! A gorgeous, ethereal dress that can be worn with or without bloomers!